The company has made every effort to promote the construction of Container Hub Ports for Domestic Trade and Foreign Trade, and maintain more than 90 foreign trade container routes in all. The foreign trade container business is mainly operated in Dayao Bay port area of Dalian. The company's self-operated feeder platform covers all ports of the Bohai Rim, providing transportation services of main line and feeder for more than 30 liner companies and more than 200 shippers. At the same time, the multimodal logistics business of the Bohai Rim has further extended the scope of feeder services to central China and east China.
The company maintains more than 80 domestic trade container routes, connecting with more than 30 major ports around the Bohai Bay, east China, south China, southeast China and southwest China. The domestic trade container business is mainly in the Bayuquan port area of Yingkou. The volume of domestic trade sea-rail multimodal transport and heavy container carried by water have been keeping the first place in the country for many years.
Holding companies:
? Yingkou New Century Container Terminal Co., Ltd.: Bayuquan Port Area, Yingkou City; |
? Liaoning Port Holdings (Yingkou) Co., Ltd. Container Terminal Branch: Bayuquan Port Area, Yingkou City. |
Shareholding Enterprises:
? Dalian Container Terminal Co., Ltd.: Dayao Bay Port Area, Jinzhou District, Dalian City; |
? Dalian Dagang Container Terminal Co., Ltd.: Dagang Port Area, Zhongshan District, Dalian City; |
? Yingkou Container Terminal Co., Ltd.: Bayuquan Port Area, Yingkou City. |